BetaCodex Consultant | Agile Organizational Design | Decentralized Self Organization. Making good theory practical. Practical theorist. I believe that a humane global economy is possible.

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Hi, and welcome to my portfolio

I’m a consultant for flow and value creation in the domain of immaterial work - or knowledge work as it used to be called.

With more than a decade of experience I support clients deliver value with focus and high adaptability.

My work is rooted in everything ‘agile’, Theory of Constraints, Lean Management and organisational development theory.

Social Media




Only in Beta you can ever be 'agile'

Super Powerful! How "Full-Kitting" Will Speed Up Your Cross-Team Projects

Predictably Speed up Your Product Delivery

The End of Product Development Roadmaps has come - finally!

Your Company can't out-hire its Problems

Find more on my blog

Public Speaking

Die perfekte Führungskraft - Wie Führung endlich wieder wirksam wird!

"Business Agilität” mit Beta - Wie “agile Transformationen” endlich ihr Versprechen einlösen

Agilität gelingt nur mit Beta - Wie agile Transformationen endlich ihr Versprechen einlösen - JAX 2022

Abschluss-Keynote | Agile Leadership - Die 4 entscheidenden Perspektiven für eine kontinuierliche Organisationsentwicklung

Vortrag auf dem Scaling Agile Summit - Autonomie und Alignment im Einklang - Der Weg zu nutzerzentrierten IT Liefereinheiten

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